The relationship model that applies to all interpersonal relationships:

  • Intimate Partners
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Siblings
  • Parent/Child
  • Co-Workers/Management & Staff

The Emotional Vs. The Physical, Which One Are You?


Have you wondered why other people don't think just like you? Learn why in this talk! Get ready for a good laugh when you discover yourself in the revelations and understand how to excel at relational communication. A huge hit with companies and clients who find that this simple model has ignited many conversations and results in compassion, trust and rapport with others.

Your business will feel different because your team will have a different perspective.


  • Your primary and sub-dominant traits based on the Emotional Vs. Physical Relationship Strategies Model
  • How to increase your sub-dominant trait to get on the same communication platform as your natural opposite
  • How to instantly build rapport and ease with your natural opposite to attract desired outcomes
  • Key styles of communication between the personality traits (taking in information vs output of behavior)
  • Application of these traits in real life personal and workplace exchanges for positive engagement and results
  • Tools to position you favorably at work and benefit single, dating and married life


  • Improved communications among work peers and management teams lowering stress, increasing collaboration and positive interactions
  • Knowledge on how to communicate effectively with personality opposites, reducing anxiety and promoting solution driven thinking
  • Not taking things personally for objective processing and decision-making in intimate and workplace relationships
  • Identifying the ideal partner that is most congruent to your relational needs and how to become that for the other person for a win-win
  • E&P Questionnaire to know where you are on the scale and how to achieve a balanced state that connects with all types of people

For client stories featuring the E&P communication model, click here.

To inquire about workshops for companies, private groups or upcoming classes, click here.