Awaken your Beast Mode


peak performance

Live out what you dare to imagine. Children have a limitless imagination. They take chances, believe in the unseen and live out their creative minds. It is why a kid can wear a superman costume and believe he has supernatural powers. There is no filter between logic and belief. Children simply believe their imagination is truth. It is why child actors are exceptional at their craft. You can be too. Do not allow your adult filter, the critical mind, to hinder you. Tap into your creative mind as you did when you were a kid to believe that whatever you dream is possible.

Your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality. It is your logical conscience brain that gets in the way. When athletes are in the “zone,” they are on automatic pilot not allowing the critical filter or negative self talk impact their game. They are unstoppable because they are operating from a limitless mindset despite the odds before them that “it is possible.” Beast Mode became NFL’s Marshawn Lynch’s nickname because of his superhuman plays when he was in this state of mind. Researchers think this may be attributed to gamma brain waves where focused attention and abilities are at their optimal state just like advanced meditators have proven to access.

Think of a time you were unstoppable. What was different? What was your belief system then? What feelings come to mind? What did you do to make that happen for yourself? Write down this narrative in as many colorful details as possible. Read it out loud to yourself to further reinforce your connection to when you were at peak performance.

To supercharge your abilities, follow these strategies for peak performance:

  1. List your greatest skills and talents.
  2. Imagine or visualize yourself applying your best skills to the utmost, awakening the learning state brain waves. Have fun with this. Become that child again that was bold and courageous or use a superhero’s traits you admire. Employ as many senses as you can to connect these impressions with your physical body.
  3. Get in touch with the feelings of being the best YOU, savor each step you walk through. You may find yourself laughing at the freedom you experience again. How refreshing?!
  4. Anytime you are about to do something you need the best YOU to show up, close your eyes, get back in touch with the feelings you experienced during your imagination prep time (step 3).
  5. When you feel that smile or boost of confidence, it’s time to awaken your beast mode for peak performance.
More on Peak Performance Hypnosis.

Create a vision board by accessing the deeper mind. Many of us have been told to simply think positive and positive things will come our way. That is actually true. Why isn’t it full proof then? Why is it that what we place on our vision boards remains just a vision?

When we come up with goals and place the things we strive for onto a board, it is an action that predominantly uses our conscious minds. In the moment, we are believing for these things to show up in our lives. What happens after the feel good feelings of creating that board begin to waver during the days that follow? Doubt begins to seep in. Previous life experiences start to edit or adjust the vision. A circumstance comes up that sets us back and the whole vision drifts further and further away until it’s time for a new board.

This happens because most humans cannot help themselves but to allow judgment, fear and doubt to creep in. Let’s call these three creepsters! They enter the mind so secretly, so passively, so effortlessly without you even trying hard to invite them in yet they are incredibly potent in wiping out your entire vision. It stems from fear, past pains, loss, or the inability to take a step forward until there is some kind of guarantee that equates to safety. That false sense of security becomes an inhibitor that keeps the vision far out of reach.

You may be thinking that sounds easy to control. Think again. It happens on the subconscious level where we typically lose control, where our will power goes right out the window. The goal of earning more money is limited by a subconscious belief that perhaps “I am not capable of carrying that level of responsibility” or the desire to be in a meaningful relationship is edited by the subconscious belief that “I grew up in a household in which being undervalued seemed normal” or “my past experiences inform me that relationships cause me to be jealous or unable to be vulnerable.”

Make vision board happen

In order for a vision to take root, you must take your vision from a conscious fantasy to a subconscious reality.

It is essential that the part of your mind that is emotionally driven, BUY INTO the goal you wish to achieve. Here’s the challenging part for many. Throw out the “how” as in “how will this happen?” After you’ve created your list of goals, do not for one minute get into your conscious head to work out the process of “how” it will happen. Why? Because by nature most people’s mindsets limit their potential. Hence, on accident, without even knowing it, you will taint your vision and limit the capabilities and resources that will come your way because you just can’t see how it will unfold. The creepsters, judgment, fear and doubt, will set in and back into your old ways you go.

The beauty of releasing the “how” is that by letting go of the process, you get to take a load off. You gain the freedom to enjoy being surprised by what your life attracts.

Your key tools are called Visualization and Imagination. You must access these gifts to actualize the gifts that await you.

In order for the emotional part of your mind, the subconscious, to accept the fantasy of a vision board or a goal list as truth, you must have an “experience.” You must feel something. That’s how our minds buy into things. Since it has not happened yet, you must use the power of visualization to imagine it and fully experience your vision tapping into all of your senses.

An effective way to make your vision board happen is by accessing the deeper part of your mind, alpha-theta state. Begin with slow, deep breathing.

Enter into a meditative state using alpha music as it aides you to experience inwardly what you desire outwardly.

Create through your imagination the joy of having, of coming from abundance and receiving rather than from lack or wanting. Relish in the emotions you are feeling because that means you are experiencing it. Because like energy attracts like energy, you are now ready to attract that which you project.

Now let it go! That’s right, when you conclude your visualization journey, release it. Trust what is to come.

You may not be able to control what is outside of you, but you can control your inner reality. The powerful thing about that is the quality of your inner life, your inner thoughts and your inner emotions are what determine the quality of the life you live.

Preserve it, nurture it, seed it, and it will SPROUT!


Learn more about the Be YOU vision.