Make New Year Goals Happen in 10 Steps:

  1. Be mindful that most goals remain in a bubble that drifts further away as busy life happens. This is because you are reliving the same pattern of behaviors and thoughts you had the day before. If you keep doing what you’ve done, you keep getting what you had.
  2. Create the new you. What better timing than the New Year? Be willing to employ new behaviors with a new mindset. If it feels uncomfortable, chances are you are already succeeding at taking your New Year goals from concept to reality.
  3. Identify (3) steps supported by (3) new ways you are going to start thinking that propels forward the goal achievement you desire.
  4. Mark on your calendar the day(s) and range of hours (start to finish) that you will make this happen per week. Block out this pattern (3) months out. For example, commit Saturday mornings from 11-3pm. Name this time something fun like “Saturday Dream Building.” Set a reminder that pops up on your phone. Your mind will associate this time with positive movement forward.
  5. Designate where your dream building will take place. Separate this space from your daily doings so as not to align the stresses of daily life with it. This is your time to design your ideal life in a dedicated environment that supports your action steps. Make your new year goals happen
  6. Assess who in your circle shares a similar interest and invite them to your dream building sessions. Accountability partners are effective when they are equally committed. If some begin faltering, let them go and remain on your path. Don’t misunderstand isolation for being lonely because genuine transformation, from the inside out, involves time alone. This is so that you strengthen the resources within.
  7. Right before you go to bed and when you wake up, claim your New Year goals as if they have already happened or are currently in the works because movement forward is taking place. Close your eyes, visualize and experience your life with specific goals achieved. Your mind will begin to notice pathways and attract what will help make your vision possible.
  8. Make moves! Procrastination is the belief that you don’t have what it takes. YOU DO! Recognize that your old mindset will come up with reasons why you must put this off. Push through anyway and show up at the time and place you have designated, activate the steps you have identified and keep your mind and heart focused on your dream building.
  9. Speak your mantra: loving words you deposit into your heart such as “I am enough” and “I am worthy of _______________.
  10. Pray in gratitude and trust that you are covered by God’s leading. Allow Him to build your character so that it does not fall short of your blessing. While you are prepping, God is orchestrating.

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