5 Feel Good Tools to Stay on the Path to Flourishing:

Power Words – Speak to yourself in the positive. Instead of saying “I don’t want to feel stressed,” say “I am relaxed.” Replace “I don’t think this will happen” with “I am believing for my best outcome.” When you change your words to positive affirmations, the mind will begin to accept them. Eliminate the word “try” from your vocabulary. When you say “try,” your mind believes that it will have a less than favorable outcome. Say “I will!”

Positive People – Surround yourself with those who believe for your success and who find joy in witnessing you in your blessings. Jesus’ three were John, James and Peter because they were not doubtful or naysayers when he performed miracles. Good friends will be present to show support and encourage you. Great friends are ones you can call on in your most trying times. Be willing to shed those who are not suppose to remain on your journey. Be thankful for the time they had in your life and know that not everyone is meant to continue on your path as you may not be part of theirs.

Breathing – Anxiety, stress and emotionally charged actions can lead you down a path of sadness, depression, inactivity, loneliness and even health issues. Adrenaline and cortisol levels increase, inflaming organs, diabetes, heart disease and chronic ailments. You have a potent tool, BREATH. Whenever you feel the onset of fight/flight emotions, take three long breaths. Hold the breath for a few seconds, then slowly release. The goal is to place space between the thought and action or reaction. This will enable you to get back into logical control, gain clarity, reach a state of homeostasis and the body will respond down to the cellular level that all is well.

Self Love – Create a ritual of self care. 20 minutes of mental relaxation through prayer and meditation will set you up to handle your day well. Treat yourself to massages, therapeutic sessions, bubble baths, journaling or escaping into your favorite novel. Do not make this a passive event like watching television as the benefits are not the same. Self love is expressed effectively through nurturing self-talk. Say out loud to yourself, “I am enough” or “I like me” throughout your day. You are most suggestible to yourself, meaning what you say to yourself, even inwardly, is what you will believe. Turn your suggestions into advantageous mental deposits.

be positive under pressure

Forgiveness & Release – Every night before bedtime, forgive the people and/or situations that upset or hurt you, from those who cut you off in traffic to those who may have stolen from you. Release out from the body the negativity you do not wish to store. Your body records every experience. Begin storing the good and dump out the toxic energy. Then state what you appreciate and hit the sack with a smile. You will rest better and your sleep time will be used for what your body was intended to do, to replenish and refresh you. You will awaken with a positive state of well-being.

Meditations For Self Care

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