how strong is the heart

Does the heart have a stronger magnetic field than the brain?


Does the brain have a stronger magnetic field than the heart?

Your heart’s electromagnetic field is 5000x stronger than your brain!


How Does The Heart Communicate?

Science now proves the heart has its very own brain that processes information separately from and faster than the brain. Because the heart has a much stronger magnetic energy field reaching 5 to 8 feet away from the body, it can influence what is around it. It happens without our being even conscious of it. Studies show when a mom and her baby smile at each other, their heartbeats synchronize. Feelings of joy and love aligns their heartbeats within milliseconds into a harmonious flow.

For a very long time, science supported that the brain was in control and now we know that is simply not true. The heart communicates with the entire body. When the heart is in a positive state, its rhythmic pattern is one of order and balance. When the heart is in a negative state, its rhythm is off balance, jerky and inconsistent. This can lead to a rise in blood pressure or blood vessels constricting leading to cardiovascular disease.

How Can the Heart be used to restore, rejuvenate and reboot the system?

When the heart is in pain, the brain is incapacitated. Care for your heart with positive thoughts, meditation, praise, thankfulness, meaningful exchanges and spiritual fueling so as to communicate with every cell that all is well, functioning cohesively and at optimal capacity. This restores a healthy heart rate and reboots the system. The mind then clarifies enough to see options. This is what fuels hope and evolves tragedy into clarity and pain into gain.

How can you empower yourself with your natural gifts?

Tony Robbins says, “If you get in your head, you’re dead.” I say, “If you pace your heart you won’t fall apart.” You have five seconds to STOP a negative emotion to hit RESET. Breathing in and out slowly will activate the parasympathetic response (your inner nervous system that informs the body that all is well and restores a sense of calm). Adding in a dose of APPRECIATION by focusing on love received unconditionally with no strings attached like from a parent, a pet or God will lead to the heart slowing down and the muscles ridding of tension, reinforcing a fluid state of mind.

Did you know that in expressing care for even strangers, stress hormones diminish silencing your fight/flight mechanism? YOU are the one who actually receives because your heart can synchronize with a stranger’s in milliseconds. Your body becomes attuned within itself. Because the heart is the most powerfully attracting organ, the rest of your body falls right into the same pattern. Your heart is the strongest muscle.

This is Entrainment, when the body and the mind are in union and operating at their ideal capacity. Imagine what you can attract and influence around you? Imagine the spirits you will lift and the hope you will inspire just by your heart’s power when you are positive, joyful, encouraging and loving. This is your gift that keeps on giving.

Begin and end each day like this. Close your eyes. Place your hand over your heart. Take a few deep, slow breaths in. Exhale very slowly nurturing that which is the most valuable part of you. Become attuned with the pacing of your heart. Exercise its powerful magnetic field. Use your imagination to experience how your heart’s positive vibrational energy can influence even a stranger’s physiological response. Isn’t it a wonder, is it your heart or theirs that leads your heartbeats to synchronize?

Eyes Open.

Read more on enhancing Relational Communication Strategies.

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